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Habibah Agianda

5 Things I Wished I Had Known Before Starting Medical School

Assalamualaykum brothers and sisters, if you're reading this then perhaps you've just received your acceptance letter of medical school (sorry, not your Hogwarts letter). Am I right?

Well, congratulations! May Allah put ease in your future studies.

Am I Legitimate to Give You These Tips?

Me, myself was once in your position. As of today, I'll soon enter my last year of pre-clinical phase. Alhamdulillah!

As a giddy student back then, I went in internet-searching-rage for any kind of informations that might benefit me in surviving medical school. The tips I found did help, especially being a pioneer in my family to pursue medicine. So today by Allah's will, I am hoping to pay the deeds forward by sharing the 5 things I wished I had known before starting medical school!

1. Renew Your Intention Continuously

This might seem like a weird point and is often overlooked, but I can't stress enough on how important it is. The intention to gain His acceptance, is what differentiate us -- muslims -- to others. And it is the only way that all our future endeavours throughout medical school would be taken into account as a good deed.

“Actions are (judged) by motives (niyyah), so each man will have what he intended. Thus, he whose migration (hijrah) was to Allah and His Messenger, his migration is to Allah and His Messenger; but he whose migration was for some worldly thing he might gain, or for a wife he might marry, his migration is to that for which he migrated.” [Al-Bukhari & Muslim]

Medicine is a pretentious field to be in, thus shaytan can easily sneak into our hearts. We seek refugee in Allah The Almighty, may we remember to keep purifying our intention in seeking knowledge. And may He, grant us beneficial knowledge as well as the ability to act upon it.

2. Understand Key Concepts

While it is tempting to learn from handouts and shortcuts, I personally suggest you to go beyond and comprehend basic concepts. A strong foundation in the beginning of medical school is a key to future success, my teacher once said.

Keep in mind that the educational system in several schools are similar to a spiral shape. That is: you'd rerun the same marathon in which for each lap you're provided a heavier load.

Ask the seniors of the books your school uses for each courses, watch some videos, discuss difficult topics with friends and even the professors.

3. Find Your Learning Style

I wish I had known earlier, that everybody has their own way of studying. And I wish I had known my most fitted learning method earlier in the day!

It is through trials and errors in my early courses I found mine. But there are some initial things you can do such as reflecting previous classes in high school, taking some quizzes and think of the adjustment you might need (comparing the workloads in medical school to your former school).

4. Build Connections

Going back from summer school this year, I learned the importance of building connections from the beginning of your medical career. This, can simply means joining the programs, clubs, projects you have interest in. But it also go to the extent of having networks with your teachers, lecturers and professors.

Personally, being involved in muslim society are the highlights of my university life. I remember a fellow doctor's sayings,

"making networks amongst muslims mean extending the networks to afterlife."

So I make sure, I am involved in projects of Quran and da'wah inshaAllah. Believe me that Allah will surprise you with the most unimaginable ways!

5.Career Options are Limitless

Not every medical student will emerge as a practising clinician, but also a researcher, health minister, health entrepreneur, WHO leader, military doctor, etc.

I wish I had known not to stress too much when I haven't figured out my career path. I learned to seek as much experience I could in variety of fields. I learned the importance to collaborate: being able to speak multi languages of science (aka interdisciplinary).

I strongly recommend you to seek for role models and retrace their career paths. Ask them their '5 things they had known when they were in your position'!

And pray to Allah, sincerely inquiring for His guidance.


There goes my list! I would love to know yours, so comment down below your 5 things! And comment if you wish to have me talk about particular topics. Peace be upon you,


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