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Complete The Quran Through Listening? Is That Possible?

Habibah Agianda

Updated: May 27, 2020

I remember when some sisters admit they struggle to recite the Quran (in its Arabic) and reading the Bahasa/English translation doesn't suffice their thirst on understanding this book of guidance.

If you feel inadequate, don't let that stop you to not interact with the words of Allah (especially that this holy month is ending!) But how?

'Abdullah bin Masud narrated the following: The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) told me, “’Recite to me’. So I said, ‘O Messenger of God! How can I recite to you, when it [the Quran] was sent down to you?!’ He said, ‘Yes [recite].’ So I recited the chapter of Al-Nisaa` until I reached the verse: ‘(How (will it be) then, when We bring from each nation a witness and We bring you (O Muhammad) as a witness against these people.)’ Whereupon he (the Prophet) said, ‘That is enough for now’. Then I turned to him and there were tears in his eyes’" (recorded by Bukhari).

MashaAllah. So to brothers and sisters out there... Never underestimate the power of listening to Quran recitation! (as well proven from medical point of view)

This program by Qalam Institute, is one alternative to complete the Quran this Ramadan. Where the instructor and student recite then reflect page per page of each juz (may Allah reward them the best of rewards). LIVE everyday (at 09.30 WIB).

Go get the endless barakah, may His Rahma showered upon us through our pure intention listening to every word, verse, chapter of Quran (especially by making sure you're in the best state of clothes, wudhu, and focus).


28 Ramadan 1441H

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