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The Reason I Have About 5 Blogs and 4 Instagram Accounts

Habibah Agianda

The Beginning

I started blogging back in 7th grade, when it was compulsory for my Indonesian language class. Don't try looking for it, as I made sure to hide it from the internet world (yes, it is deeply embarrassing).

Since then, I've always found joy in writing. Alhamdulillah, I had series of cool teachers from my primary school who forced us to read heavy literatures, gave me an 'impressive!' stamp on my badly written essay.. to my high school teachers who taught me styles of writings, with sets of new vocabularies to memorize each week.

So there is that.


Then there is this perfectionist personality of mine who would rewrite class notes if they aren't pretty, or would redo a whole painting whenever I missed a dot.

Thus the amount of blogs/ webs I've tried to make in the past was ridiculous.

This Blog

Upon going back from my summer school in London, I was inspired. Beside having new obsession to enroll in Arabic and Mandarin courses, I realised to share my stories to the world wouldn't be possible if I were to write only in Bahasa Indonesia.

Thus this blog comes to the surface.

This will be a platform to combine my various instagram accounts and blogs as they promote the same purpose. InshaAllah.

I am grateful that Allah inspires me through sisters like Sarina Iskandar (who I copycat the blog name), Aida Azlin, dokter Pitha , Mbak Dewi Nur Aisyah , dokter Davrina.

It doesn't exclude the fact that I fear, on the day of Judgement I stand before Allah with the knowledge I have shared but not act upon.

"O you who have believed, why do you say what you do not do?" (As Saff 61:2)

So I seek refuge in Allah from deviations within my intentions, from a diseased heart that astray oneself. And I seek His Guidance to write only the good.

Would love to be in your duaas,


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