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What is The Parameter of Success?

Habibah Agianda

Updated: Aug 31, 2019

What is the parameter of success in our work? Of your writings, your artworks, your social media posts?

As someone who's into art and writing, I was in my quest to answer that question. In medical school, I am so accustomed to diagnostic criteria with which we are able to diagnose diseases for our (future) patients. When these boxes are ticked, they summed a certain score indicating severity.

Yes, a quantifiable parameter would be an easier answer to the question. But is it the same for this case?

Until one day, Allah led me to an instagram post by Farah Qoonita, whose words haunted me until now.

Is success determined by the number of copies your books sold? Or the amount of views and likes in your posts? Or the cheers and chants of your name that you received? Or the rows of awards on your shelf?

These lines sting.

No. Alas, they are not the indicator of success.

I then see myself on the stage during talkshows. I remember the compliments I received, admiration look I saw. Shaytaan it is. Playing tricks on my heart, to deviate my intentions. That for a brief moment, I was indeed: feeling proud of myself. Astaghfirullah.

This similar case occurs for social media posts. Likes, comments, saves, shares, reaches, new followers and so on! (Do you know, how much youtube videos discuss hacks to gain more of these by breaking Instagram algorithms? Are these what our generation is only after?)

It is when.. the praises are addressed, not to you, but rather to The One whose all praises belong to.
It is when.. admirers admire, not you, but The Creator of sky, earth and all in between.
It is when.. enthusiasts wish to be in vicinity, not with you, but with The Almighty.
As the story of Prophet Sulaiman (PBUH) and the Queen. By the Prophet Sulaiman's crafted castle, impressed she became. No, not to his figure. The Queen prostrated with Iman.
This indeed, is, the highest rank of work.

Today, Ustadzah Faiza disclosed her story of her journey in understanding this concept. The wisdom she attained was,

"Create, share and tell. However remember! We are nothing but employees of Allah. We work not to introduce ourselves, but introduce Him - The Creator.

Shift the centre of focus, only to The Almighty. Let ourselves play the mere role to be intermediary of His messages.

This is the pledge, from the very beginning.

And wait for His Wonders of Guidance."


We are filled with digressed intentions.

We seek only popularities within earth.

Had we not dream of being acknowledged throughout the Skies?




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